it’s called “Myth Adventures” by Robert Asprin — and I remember stumbling on it during my awkward year(s)
* Follow me on Twitter @HenryCruz101
it’s called “Myth Adventures” by Robert Asprin — and I remember stumbling on it during my awkward year(s)
* Follow me on Twitter @HenryCruz101
I‘ve been sketching in notebooks since I could hold a pen…here’s a sketch that my cat ate — her new name is Ms. Hater or Ms.-Thing-makes-art-better (you be the judge)
Inspiration is like that weird dude who shows up uninvited — when you least expect it, um, like say — when you’re finishing-your-business-in-the-bathroom…’few months ago I saw a vampire on my bathroom. yeah…most people would say that’s just dust “go clean your bathroom”
and I’d reply: judge much, hey judge-judy maybe I really really like Vampires?
Here’s the vampire I saw — again, just a dust patch near the bathroom window — but before I cleaned it away forever I sketched what I saw on a yellow post-it note
and later this
Same thing happen a week later, here’s the pic I snapped of the dust from my bathroom — tell me what you see — and yeah, if you’re wondering I did eventually clean up that dust somewhat afterwards:
If you’re like me you saw a Cat-that-thinks-she’s-a-Vampire, or something like this:
I now have two characters in my growing Vampire family, I’m sure they’ll be tweaked as I re-draw, streamlined into something easy to draw as I draw them more and form them into fully formed characters (at least in my mind) that I will use for the the weekly web cartoon strip.
* Follow me on Twitter @HenryCruz101
It started a few months back when I bought a stylus for my iPad. Around the same time I was seeing cartoons made-of-dust on my bathroom wall –
the logical brain says it was just dust but my mind says: ‘ooooh no, that’s a fully formed cartoon cat on my wall’ — maybe I need new glasses, but that resulted in more doodles and finally I came up with this cartoon on modern dating:
and when it snowed, I sketched some more and came up with this called Snow Day:
here’s a rare making of video – me inking over my pencil sketch on my iPad to clean up the lines (impressed yet?)
Over the coming weeks I hope to turn all my doodling into a weekly web comic with characters and a story line – all right here.
* Follow me on Twitter @HenryCruz101
‘recently on the Our Headspace podcast I joked, ‘I’m only Enrique Cruz the porn director on Mondays and Fridays‘
‘spending all day thinking about ‘dick‘ could be exhausting – I did it for 10 years as a director and I’ve moved on to more fertile pastures (well sorta) — like the Mafia — and thanks to the internet you can’t really ever leave — I’m tied to 10,000 penises for the rest of my life —
I assume my tombstone will be filled with plenty of penis emoji’s floating in the air.
I write and perform comedy now (and hope to share some of that here with you here on this NEW webpage, it’s actually not a new website we just got rid of all the sexy pinga things) —
Doing Comedy makes perfect sense — to absolutely no one I knew in the porn world — and that’s okay. In the end, if we do anything too serious we all become a cartoon version of ourselves.
And I like this cartoon drawing by the famous cartoonist / stand-up Comedian Jason Chatfield of me waaay better than I do my real self.
My sister asked if I posed for this cartoon drawing, it was drawn recently while I stood fully clothed on a comedy stage…oh, yeah I was talking about my penis.
Pull up a chair & stick around for a while, I’ll be posting pics, cartoons strips that I draw, videos and my other random thoughts here.